Innovation and Entrepreneurship
A city’s progress is driven by countless innovations and creative achievements, and this is certainly the case with Hangzhou. It is not only a city of dreams, but a city where dreams come true. In this place, three of China’s wealthiest men have come forth at different times. The medicine entrepreneur Hu Xueyan appeared 150 years ago; the food and beverage industrialist Zong Qinghou emerged 30 years ago; and Jack Ma came to prominence in the internet age. Generations of entrepreneurs have given rise to generations of innovation dreams.
These figures are intimately connected to the emergence of industries and Hangzhou’s unique local culture. Hangzhou’s natural environment and cultural traditions have brought calm consideration and bold imagination to modern economic and technological development. The city’s government has given attention and support to emerging industries. Being cultural and knowledge-based, Hangzhou’s industries have brought together a “trinity” of leisure, culture, and entrepreneurship that integrates life and culture. As a result of this entrepreneurial atmosphere, Hangzhou is widely recognized as one of the most innovative and dynamic cities in China.

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