Silk Tea and Cuisine
China Hangzhou Cuisine Museum

The China Hangzhou Cuisine Museum focuses on the city’s fine cuisine and includes public education, model demonstrations, interactive experiences, dining, and tasting in one thematic museum. It opened in 2012 and is locatedaboutfive kilometers southwest of West Lake in Hangzhou’s Jiangyangfan Eco-Park.

The ten traditional Hangzhou dishes include: West Lake Carp in Vinegar Sauce; Braised Dongpo Pork; Shrimp with Longjing Tea Leaves; Beggar’s Chicken; Fish Balls; Fish Head with Tofu; Jingling Bells Fried Tofu; Salted Pork with Spring Bamboo Shoots; Black Carp Pickled in Rice Wine; and Immortal Duck.

China Hangzhou Cuisine Museum covers an area of 12,470m2 and is divided into exhibition zone, experience zone and business zone.

As a Hangzhou-Cuisine-themed museum, it integrates functions including public education, model exhibition, interactive experience, catering and food tasting. Still display is turned dynamically into on-site watching and tasting in the museum, making it a key project, key tourist attraction, and large center for culinary culture appreciation and exchange in Hangzhou

Source: China Hangzhou Cuisine Museum



  • Add:No.9, Huyu Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
  • Tel:0571-87921117 87922227
  • Transportation:take No.20, No.42 or No. 62 bus, get off at Hangzhou Ceramics Market Stop, and walk to the destination. Editor:CHENG Huiyu
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