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Hangzhou Changqiao Stream Eco-Restoration Park
Updated:2016-06-19 15:49:17 Sun
Located in the southwest corner of West Lake, restoration of this area began in 2004 based on the concept of an ecological park. Water purification technology was combined with garden landscaping, making use of Changqiao Creek’s micro-topography and hydrodynamic effects. The ecological restoration of Changqiao Stream, a creek that empties into West Lake, was achieved by means of the “two-pronged” method of sewage treatment and a constructed wetland system. UN-Habitat (the United Nations Human Settlements Program) gave this project the 2012 World Best Practices Award.

Eco-Park of Long Bridge Stream near the West Lake is close to the Ciyunling at the foot of Yuhuang Mountain, which is an ecological wetland park with the theme of eco-restoration of water environment. All the old Hangzhou people know that the Long Bridge Stream is one of the four streams in the upstream of West Lake, which is originated in the Lianhua (Lotus Flower) Peak, and runs into the West Lake from south to north. Before the renovation, the garbage piles at the bottom of Long Bridge Stream, the weeds grow on the shore, and the sanitary waste water from nearby residents is directly discharged into the lake without any processing for a long time.

In 2004, the Eco-restoration Project of Water Environment in Long Bridge Stream has been launched. Through the water ecological restoration process, it has been made into a wetland park, with aquatic plants growing inside such as calamus, lotus, and bitter grass. It not only is good-looking, but also can purify the water quality. And the ecological environment has been repaired fundamentally.

(Source: Urban Express)



  • Add:Yuhuang Mountain Road, Xihu District
  • Tel:0571- 87028082
  • Transportation:Take No.12/42/Y9 to Kuo Shi Ban Stop. Editor:WANG Jie
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